Maya Atsuki
Creative Technologist / Planner
Graduated from the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Science (IAMAS) and joined dentsu in 2021. As a student, she was passionate about creative coding, which uses programming to generate animation and visual expression. Since joining the company, she has expanded the scope of her work beyond visual expression to include XR and AI, and has been involved in creative work that utilizes technology.
Tone ID
Tone IDとは
Dentsu Lab Tokyoでは所属メンバーの人柄を知っていただくきっかけとして、それぞれの個性を反映したVisual Identification「Tone ID」を開発しています。今回のビジュアルは、メンバーが普段慣れ親しんでいる3つの音楽をもとに制作しました。