Ryonosuke Ono
Creative Technologist
Majored in mechanical engineering at university and graduate school. Specializes in hardware prototyping and planning and implementation of interactive experiences employing sensors. Joined Dentsu to create spaces in which people could gather utilizing technology. Main award history includes the ‘Thinkers’ Clay Figure Contest Hyogo Prefecture Gold Medal’ (around third grade, elementary school). Training to be a DJ who able to control the excitement in the space. He likes parties.
Tone ID
Tone IDとは
Dentsu Lab Tokyoでは所属メンバーの人柄を知っていただくきっかけとして、それぞれの個性を反映したVisual Identification「Tone ID」を開発しています。今回のビジュアルは、メンバーが普段慣れ親しんでいる3つの音楽をもとに制作しました。