Goalball is a sport that was created for people with visual impairments.
In this competition, which aims to put a ball with a bell in the opponent’s goal, the players on the court rely only on the “sound” of the game. The GOALBALL PROJECT is taking on the challenge of bringing the previously unrepresented “sound” of goalball to the spectators in two ways.
“Sound Visualize,”
The loudness and position of the sound generated on the court is analyzed from the microphone recording data and camera images.
By visualizing where and how loud the sound is being generated and superimposing it on the live footage of the competition, the presence of the sound that became the a criticial point in the game is easily understood by the audience.
“Sound Realize,”
A microphone capable of recording 360-degree sound was installed behind the goal, and the recorded data was used to reproduce the three-dimensional sound in real time through headphones. You will be able to hear almost the same sounds that the players hear on the court, such as the atheletes’ breathing and the faint sounds of the ball, which until now have not reached the stands.

- Credit
- Creative Director:Kaoru Sugano(Dentsu Lab Tokyo) | Planner:Moe Goto(Dentsu Lab Tokyo) | Planner:Momoka Nakayama(Dentsu Lab Tokyo) | Technical Director:Nao Tokui(Qosmo inc.) | Designer / Programmer:Shoya Dozono(Qosmo inc.) | Sound Engineer:Jiro Kubo(ACOUSTIC FIELD INC.) | System Engineer:Shunsuke Nambu(Qoncept inc.) | Creative Producer:Kimihiro Takano(Dentsu) | Creative Producer:Kenya Miyashita(Dentsu Craft Tokyo) | Creative Producer:Sakiko Yasue(Qosmo inc.)
Director:Shuto Hashiura(DENTSU CREATIVE X) | Camera:Kenichi Murase(Freelance) | Producer:Kenya Miyashita(Dentsu Craft Tokyo)