People think that our bodies have limitations, but just imagine if we had organs that don’t exist, and could control that new body?
We created new human organs that use a brainwave sensor.
Necomimi is the new communication tool that augments the human bodies and abilities.
This cat’s ear shaped machine utilizes brainwaves and expresses your emotional state before you start talking. Just put on Necomimi and if you are concentrating, this cat’s ear shaped machine will rise. When you are relaxed, your new ears lie down. If you are concentrating and relaxing at the same time, your new ears will rise and actively move. In general, professional sports players demonstrate this ability the most.
What will happen when people show their feelings even when they don’t express them? Interesting? Ashamed? Scared? In the beginning, people may feel strange, however people quickly become accustomed to controlling their new ears with their brainwaves. Right now, Necomimi can become a part of your body.
“necomimi” is planned by neurowear and the concept model was released in Spring 2011. By the oppotunity of getting the award of “World Innovation 50” of TIME Magazine, Neurosky, in Silicon Valley US, released necomimi as comercial model. In 2021, updated model was introduced. Currently necomimi is on sales in the part of online shops in Japan.

- Credit
- ●Prototype
Executive Creative Director:Masataka Hosogane (Dentsu Inc. )| Director/Business Development:Toshitaka Kamiya (Dentsu Lab Tokyo) | Inventor/Creative Director: Kana Nakano (Dentsu Lab Tokyo) |Producer:Tomonori Kagaya(Tomonori Kagaya Inc.) |Robot Creator: Shota Ishiwatari (KILUCK CORPORATION) | Art Director: Shoko Watanabe (Dentsu East Japan/Inc.) |Producer: Kazuhisa Suzuki (Dentsu Inc. ) |Planner/Copy Writer: Satoko Horikawa (Dentsu Inc. ) | Stanley Yang ( Neurosky/Inc.) |Kikuo Ito ( Neurosky Japan Inc. ) |Hiroaki Koyama ( Neurosky Japan Inc. )
Superviser:Kana Nakano(Dentsu Lab Tokyo) │ Producer: Toshitaka Kamiya(Dentsu Lab Tokyo)、Tomonori Kagaya(│ Product Manager │ Technical Advisor:Shota Ishiwatari(Kiluck Corp.)│ Manufacture / Sales: NeuroSky, Inc.
Superviser:Kana Nakano(Dentsu Lab Tokyo), Tomonori Kagaya( , Shohei Koide (Dentsu Inc. ) │Sound Designer: Yasuhiro Tsuchiya(Dentsu Lab Tokyo)│ Art Director〔Package〕:Urara Mano (Dentsu Inc. ) │ Manufacture / Sales :NeuroSky Co., Ltd.
- Award
- [TIME Magazine]
- 2011 World Innovation 50
[Ars Electronica 2012]
- Interactive
- Entertainment
[Cannes Lions 2012]
- Mobile:Bronze
- Innovation:Shortlist