Kenji Ozaki
Experience Designer/Business Producer
Majored in control engineering at university, then marine environmental studies at graduate school. At the same time, he studied product design at night college of Kuwasawa Design School. Specializes in direction and production of tangible output in PR fields regarding new experiences and businesses, and their communities, including new enterprises, events, space and products. Main work includes vocal AR projects, Sendai Umino-Mori Aquarium “‘The Ocean: Future Masterpieces’ Exhibition,” and the temporary wall art installation ‘A DAY IN THE LIFE SHIBUYA.’
Tone ID
Tone IDとは
Dentsu Lab Tokyoでは所属メンバーの人柄を知っていただくきっかけとして、それぞれの個性を反映したVisual Identification「Tone ID」を開発しています。今回のビジュアルは、メンバーが普段慣れ親しんでいる3つの音楽をもとに制作しました。