Camouflage Against the Machines
Aware of the issue that AI-based surveillance cameras and customer analytics are labeling people based on their appearance, we launched textile label UNLABELED and developed camouflage patterns that evade AI labeling. In collaboration with apparel brand NEXUSⅦ., we created products such as hoodies, crew sweatshirts, and skateboards. A pop-up store was set up at Shibuya PARCO in Tokyo for demonstrations and sales.

- Credit
- Creative Director:Naoki Tanaka(Dentsu Lab Tokyo) | Creative Director:Nao Tokui(Qosmo, Inc.) | Art Director:Yusuke Koyanagi(Dentsu Lab Tokyo) | Planner:Yuma Shingai(Dentsu Lab Tokyo) | Copywriter:Risako Kawashima(Dentsu Lab Tokyo) | Machine Learning:Ryosuke Nakajima(Qosmo, Inc.) | Visual Programmer:Shoya Dozono(Qosmo, Inc.) | Visual Programmer:Robin Jungers(Qosmo, Inc.) | Producer:Ryotaro Omori(Dentsu Craft Tokyo) | Producer:Kohei Ai(Dentsu Lab Tokyo) | Producer:Miyuki Fujishima(Dentsu Lab Tokyo) | Designer:Naoki Ise(Qosmo, Inc.) | Designer:Takumi Saito(Dentsu Lab Tokyo) | Project Manager:Sota Suzuki(Dentsu Craft Tokyo) | Engineer:Yuki Tanabe(Dentsu Craft Tokyo) | Exhibition Director:Kei Murayama | Exhibition Director:Yusuke Yamagiwa | Photographer:Ryo Funamoto | Product Director:Tomohiro Konno(NEXUSⅦ.) | Product Manager:Tomotaka Inoue(NEXUSⅦ.) | Movie Producer:Takahiko Kajima(P.I.C.S. Co., Ltd.) | Movie Production Manager:Shogo Honda(P.I.C.S. Co., Ltd.) | Movie Director:Sotaro Ogi | Cinematographer:Sho Takahashi | PR Director:Yuya Hamamura(Platinum inc.) | PR Manager:Hana Moriwaki(Platinum inc.) | Media Relations:Kazuma Chikami(Platinum inc.) | Media Relations:Shiori Kakumoto(Platinum inc.)
- Award
- Grande : Digital Craft Lotus, Innovative Use of Technology
[Japan Media Arts Festival]
- Jury Selections : Entertainment
- Gold : Creative Innovation